Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Relaxing in Raglan...

 Raglan is a beautiful wee surf town - a great place to chill out for a couple of nights. The footbridge connects the camping ground with the main street. 

 Fish 'n Chips from the Raglan wharf is a must! Lucky for me, Mel, Toby and the kids made the trip all the way from Auckland to visit for the day - the first thing on the agenda was fish 'n chips from this place. 

 Finn trying out the new boogie board!

 Eli hauling 'Boaty McBoat Face'


 Where can I go next?!

 When you're at the beach...gotta dig a hole!

A few days later, Mel sent me this. I love how none of us are holding on!


  1. Beautiful vistas Rufus! Glad you got to hang out with friends. The beach looks like a fantastic time. Great hole. Did anyone stand in it?

    1. Well, Joey the baby almost fell in it! Luckily Mel had her super 'mother' powers on full alert and caught him by the arm as he was toppling. ;)

  2. Hey Ruth!
    That looks like a fun beach trip! The letter they sent you is really cute. Did you go surfing? Fish & Chips sound so yum! Also I found you a new quote, "The Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step", isn't that a cool one?
    Cant wait to see you at easter!
    Lots of Love, Hannah. <3

    1. Hey Hannah!

      No, I didn't go surfing, was a bit of a mish to get to the beach as it's not quite by the town. Great to sit on the black sand though and feel it run through your toes. A good place for cartwheels.:) Love the quote! I think about that while I'm cycling...just get around the next bend...or up the next hill...if it's an especially big hill I concentrate on all the reflectors on the side of the road and I challenge myself to get to the next one, then the next one...etc. See you at Easter - I can't wait either!! :)

  3. Hey Ruth
    You look like your having an amazing time and that is a nice hole the letter that you got is adorable. I can't wait to see you
    when you come back in easter.

    lots of love Grace :)

    1. Hi Gracie!

      How's the year going? Great to hear from you. :) The hole was very satisfying to play in and make the tunnel underneath connecting them! How are you enjoying Manual this year? Have you got that breadmaker up and running? Can't wait to see you either!!
