Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Abel Tasman Track - A Must Do!

Walking the Abel Tasman Track from Marahau to Wainui Bay is a fantastic 3 night/4 day walk. The campsites are beautiful, you meet lots of people, the scenery is incredible! It's like a very clean Croatia! 

 Onetahuti Campsite. Camped beside two Americans who cooked their very first camping meal. It took them an hour on what looked like an old WWII cooker. They had brought the works in...big corn cobs, heaps of veggies - in fact half their bag was food. Looked good though, compared to my Uncle Ben's rice packet that you cook with 30mls of boiling water and Bobs your Uncle. Oh and a carrot, which I ate before my rice cooked. 

 Summer has arrived!! No wet feet this week! In fact I wore the same clothes (shorts and singlet) for 4 days running...

 There are lots of options for kayaking or getting a water taxi to halfway and walking back. Whatever you want to do really!
 Apparently the best campsite: Mutton Cove. Camped beside two Germans who had a tin of creamed rice each for tea. Hope I don't get to that desperate stage! 

 I walked out of Wainui Bay...hitched a ride to Tata Beach where my wonderful friends Jo and Craig were having their annual holiday with their friends. I picked a great day to arrive as the boys had been out on a charter fishing boat and got a heap of blue cod, snapper and gurnard. Yum Yum Pigs Bum!
Wee Maeve especially liked the chips and continued to munch here for a while!

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